How do you solve a problem?
You need to have some sort of repeatable process for troubleshooting issues. Thats where the 7 step process comes in.
Also on this page is a list of general specifications for different types of sensors, motors, and tests in the automotive space.
This is a repository of knowledge, random facts and specifications. Some of these specifications are not generally available or easily found. These are general rules because there are no original equipment specifications given for most of these types of tests.
Most of these specifications come from experience, aftermarket suppliers videos, school, professional books, professional websites and professional teachers. I try to verify the sources and information posted here but again these are guidelines. This will be updated from time to time.
If you have any suggestions feel free to email me. These methods are not all inclusive but may point you in the right direction.
(May have to repeat steps 2-5 as more information is gathered after performing tests)
To see an example of this see my article The computer doesn't always know whats right.
Fuel trim -
Vacuum -
5 gas analyzer -
Engine Cranking RPM - 200-300 RPM
Average voltage starter draw:
Peak Amperage starter draw:
Starter Solenoid Amperage draw:
High current, low speed = mechanical problem
Low current, low speed = excessive resistance
Crankshaft rotates at 2x the speed of the camshaft. -
Cranking engine compression -
NTC thermostat - Negative temperature coefficient -
Pull up circuit -
Pull down circuit -
Pull up or pull down circuit needs 2 resistors to make a series circuit, one known calculated resistor is in the computer, the other is typically the sensor itself.
MAP sensor (Mass Air Pressure) -
MAF sensor (Mass Air Flow) -
AFR - Air Fuel Ratio sensor (also known as a wide band sensor or wide ratio air fuel sensor) -
Standard O2 sensors -
Open loop mode -
Closed loop mode -
Piezoresistive sensors -
Piezoelectric sensors -
Thermocouple works on the thermoelectric effect -
Strain Gauge -
Permanent magnet sensors -
Hall effect sensors -
Amp draw standard headlight bulbs -
Data Link Connector Pins:
Communication protocol is basically the "language rules" of the protocol -
GM class 2 voltages -
CAN voltages -
Sub Title -
------------------- End of List... For Now... -------------------